Important Announcement:

Revised Food Distribution Policy

To our valued community members,

We are writing to inform you about an important update regarding our food distribution program. Due to an increase in demand, rising expenses, and a significant decrease in the food supply across our network, we have had to make a difficult decision regarding the distribution of food boxes.

Starting August 1, 2023, each household will only be eligible to receive one food box per month from The H.E.L.P. Pantry. We understand that this change may cause inconvenience and disappointment for some individuals, and we want to assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. By implementing this policy change, we will be able to serve a larger number of people who require essential food support.

Our primary goal as a social impact organization has always been to ensure that resources are accessible to those facing economic hardships and food insecurity. during these challenging times while also ensuring the sustainability of our operations.

And as always, please consider donating to the food bank. For every dollar donated, we can provide 3 meals.

Thank you in advance for your grace, compassion, and patience with us as we navigate through this transition.

In Community,

The Columbia Pacific Food Bank Team

About Columbia Pacific Food Bank:

Our Mission: To provide access to healthy food and resources.

Our Vision: To end hunger in Columbia County.

Columbia Pacific Food Bank (CPFB) is the regional food bank located in St. Helens.   We participate in the Oregon Food Bank Network of Regional Food Banks. Our own distribution network includes partner agencies in Vernonia, Scappoose, St. Helens, Rainier and Clatskanie.

What We Do:

Food Distribution

We distribute food throughout the county so that those in need have access to healthy, nutritious, food.

Nutrition Education

We provide access to resources such as nutrition education, cooking classes and gardening classes.

Economic Development

We support economic development within the county to create family wage jobs as a long-term solution to overcome food insecurity.


We provide advocacy centered on hunger issues.

We Accomplish Our Mission By:

  • Soliciting, collecting, preparing, and packaging food for distribution through our network of partner agencies and programs.

  • Working to fight hunger’s root causes through education, public awareness, and community advocacy.

  • Donations! We appreciate your donations. Anything you give goes directly to those who need help. Click here to donate!

Founded in 1998, the Columbia Pacific Food Bank distributes an average of 16 tons of food each week throughout the county via food pantries; community meals; senior centers; and backpack, brown bag, domestic violence and children’s programs.

We serve 1 in 4 individuals in Columbia County through our programs. 31% of our clients are children, 41% are adults, 22% are seniors, and a large percentage of our clients are working families.

Get involved or make a donation today!

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